Exosomes for better healthy, skin.

Exosomes are amazing cellular messengers. Exosomes are an excellent choice to get your hair to grow back as long as follicles are present. We use them on the skin to correct environmental damage and aging and they can also be used in an IV to help you feel better due to inflammation issues.

The Exosome Difference

Our proprietary blend of precision mRNA + growth factors, peptides, cytokines, and matrix proteins are specifically designed for topical procedure applications and have been shown to support a number of desirable aesthetic skincare outcomes. 

  • Reduce post-procedure downtime

  • Benefit in post-procedure burning 

  • Enhance the treatment benefits

  • May help reduce the appearance of wrinkles

  • May aid in enhancing skin texture

  • May support a richer skin tone

  • Safe for all skin types and tones

  • PLUS Non-Invasive and Consistent Results!