Heal your body and mind
Marie Finger
Certified Nutrigenomic & Epigenetic Health Coach.
My mission is to educate and help as many women as possible to understand how your body ages, gets into trouble and begins to show symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, moodiness, anxiety, chronic pain and so much more because of Genetic changes.
I began this mission after being terribly sick for 13 years with no answers from over 30+ doctors.
I was in my mid 30’s, I was in the best shape of my life. I was weight training 6-7 days a week, kick boxing, running and living a full life until I woke up feeling like I was getting the flu, I felt achy, very tired and this went on for years. I went to doctor after doctor trying to find answers. My symptoms got worse and my digestion was awful, i was having migraines, anxiety and I could not sleep even though I was exhausted. I was looked at by many of these doctors like I was crazy because they could not find anything wrong with me. The testing they were doing was standard blood work, MRI’s and x-rays. They put me into pain management. My symptoms were being addressed with pills, a lot of pills. I felt awful, depressed and I did not want to go on. I became a recluse in many ways because I just did not feel like doing anything. I went to work everyday but at the end of the day I would lay on the floor and cry because of how hard it was to get through each day helping my clients with a smile on my face while on the inside I was dying, literally dying.
I finally met a doctor that was doing something no-one else was doing, using genetic testing to find answers to common health issues and symptoms.
He was the first to validate that I was actually sick and the first to help me. I got off all my prescription meds and starting supplementing my body based on my genes and WOW what a difference this made for my symptoms.
I did not have the ability to control inflammation, I could not eliminate toxic chemicals or make natural energy.
The story goes on and on but here I am today, I had the privilege of studying under this Doctor and studying Epigenetics. I was so fascinated at how this helped me and how so many doctors did not have a clue!
I am passionate in this type of work, I want to help you heal in the natural way I did.
The Genetic testing I do allows us to see & understand about what 75% of the population is potentially up against because of Genetic Mutations and why you may not be feeling well or why you may or may not have the ability to stop cancer or viruses from invading your body.
I also offer Telo-Testing. This is a test that tells us how old you are on the inside versus how many years you have been alive. We can supplement your body based on this information and reverse some of the internal aging you may have.
The Nutri-Gen test is an excellent option for weight loss and over all stable health and vibrancy.
Check out all of the testing on the right of this page.
Why is Glutathione so very important to maintaining healthy cells?
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione (GSH) is composed of three amino acids combined to produce a peptide that is both a powerful antioxidant and performs several critical roles in the body. According to researchers, this peptide is so essential to optimum health that the level of Glutathione in cells could possibly be used to predict how long an organism lives.12
Glutathione catalyzes glutathione S-transferases (GST) and glutathione peroxidases (GPx). Thus, playing a role in detoxification by eliminating toxic electrophilic molecules and reactive peroxides. Glutathione plays a crucial role in a detoxification system that is fundamental in plants, mammals, and fungi.3
Aside from its detoxification role, it is important for a variety of essential cellular reactions. Its presence in the glyoxalase system is fundamental to DNA and RNA nucleotide reduction. Glutathione is also a constituent in the regulation of protein and gene expression, exchange reactions including thiol to disulfide ratios involve glutathione.4
Glutathione can exist intracellularly in either an oxidized (glutathione disulfide) or reduced (glutathione) molecular state. The ratio of reduced glutathione to glutathione disulfide has been shown to be critical in cell survival, this system is very tightly regulated.
A deficiency of glutathione puts the cell at risk for oxidative damage. An imbalance of glutathione is present in many pathologies including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, cystic fibrosis (CF), HIV, and aging.
While Glutathione is vitally essential to maintaining a healthy immune system, it isn’t classified as an essential nutrient; this is because the body does create its own supply from the amino acids:
L-glutamic acid
One of the reasons why Glutathione is so important for optimum health is that it’s present in every cell in the body. One way antioxidants like glutathione help maintain good physical health is by neutralizing free radicals, which can cause cellular damage through oxidation. Since glutathione is naturally present within all types of cells, it is in a prime position to do this. It’s considered one of the most important antioxidants in the human body.
Exosomes are amazing cellular messengers. When we use Exosomes in the skin, scalp, or IV they signal the damaged cells to reduce inflammation and repair. Exosomes are an excellent choice to get your hair to grow back as long as follicles are present. We use them on the skin to correct environmental damage and aging and they can also be used in an IV to help you feel better due to inflammation issues. Exosomes are being used across the country and far beyond for sports injuries or other muscle and joint issues.
We only use the best:
Our proprietary blend of precision mRNA + growth factors, peptides, cytokines, and matrix proteins are specifically designed for topical procedure applications and have been shown to support a number of desirable aesthetic skincare outcomes.
Designed for entire scalp and hair aesthetic post-procedure applications, Exovex RESTORE helps in expedite the desired effects of the treatment and assists in reducing post-procedure downtime and burning sensation.
Schedule your Glutathione IV or Injection today Click here to: Schedule your wellness
Natural healing at your fingertips!
Wild Foods/Cannabinoids/Energy Products & Immune Support(Click Here)
There is nothing more important than your health!
I would be one of the first to understand this. My story is not as unique as I once thought it was. Listen to my podcast to learn more about how I got sick and how I found healing after 13 years.
Do you experience any of the following?
Suicidal thoughts
Joint/muscle pain
Sleep issues
Lack of energy/fatigue
Stomach issues
Food Sensitivities
If you experience any of these on a chronic basis the below information will truly help you find out why and what we can do together to help you heal.
Did you know your common genes say so much about your health, your mind & your past, present, and future? Your genes can tell us so much about how your body responds to stress and how it can or cannot heal on its own. Our body was designed to be amazing but because of poor life habits, stress, and other factors we don’t always feel well, have the energy or feel happy. Genetic testing can be an amazing answer to your overall health.
With Nutrigenomics we can identify biochemical weaknesses and strengthen them through a curated nutritional plan so you can avoid major illness, stay youthful, and have an amazing journey through life. I hear so many times “I am just getting old” and yes the years are passing but aging is not supposed to be what we think. We can live vibrantly all the way through our life but understanding your genes is the answer to living healthy and happy!
Now, who wouldn’t want that?! Curated nutritional support that is specific to your bodies needs.
IV Drip Therapies are available. You can find them under the Med Spa tab.
GX Science Testing options:
A simple mouth swab, no blood needed.
Why Choose The Pro7 Nutrigenomic Report?
Our Pro7 Comprehensive Panel analyzes 7 areas of health hand selected by our experts and provides nutritional recommendations and health information based on scientific validation of a patient’s specific needs in these key areas:
Methylation | Neurotransmitter Processing | Mitochondrial Function | Detoxification | Neuro-Inflammatory Potential | External Inflammatory Potential | Health Precautions
The Pro7 Panel is indicated for:
Patients who are overall healthy and desire nutritional guidance.
Patients with no significant family history of the disease.
Designing an overall health plan, fitness regimen, or anti-aging program.
Children with healthy family histories.
Basic problems with intestinal health and allergies.
Personalizing Diet, Wellness, and Weight-Loss Planning
An innovative, comprehensive genetic test for personalized diet, wellness, and weight loss planning: NutriGen™ is the most complete nutrigenomic analysis in the market related to weight loss, response to exercise, intolerances, and nutritional needs, among others, with 363 (3×121) genetic variations (SNPs) analyzed. We use state-of-the-art technology based on DNA Open Arrays that have more than 99% reproducibility and sensitivity. The NutriGen™ report proposes a dietary plan considering 850+ foods and a 3-phase supplementation program based on the patient’s genetic profile and medical history. The NutriGen™ panel can be an essential tool for nutritionists and other healthcare professionals who help patients personalize their weight management and overall health, especially for patients who have tried other regimens before with little to no success.
About NutriGen™ and Nutrigenomic Testing
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most frequent type of DNA variation found in humans. Characterization and analysis of particular SNPs may help understand an individual’s response to certain foods, supplements, drugs, levels of exercise, and more. We call this Nutrigenomic (NGx) Testing.
NutriGen™ analyzes both genetic factors and other relevant characteristics – extrinsic factors – obtained through the medical history of the patient. This process provides a full understanding of the underlying factors related to weight gain.
Personalizing alopecia treatments through genomic testing
TrichoTest™ is an innovative genetic test that supports practitioners, prescribers, and other licensed healthcare professionals to personalize alopecia (hair loss) treatments for their patients. 3 polymorphisms within 16 SNPs, resulting in 48 (3×16) genetic variations related to alopecia, are analyzed using state-of-the-art DNA Open Array technology that is 99.9% reproducible. The resulting TrichoTest™ report is comprehensive and easy to understand. Further, the report provides information from the Medical Director at GX Sciences to assist the practitioner in creating a treatment plan for the patient.
About alopecia and TrichoTest™
Alopecia (hair loss) is a progressive, multifactorial condition that has different forms and causes, determined by a combination of both genetic and extrinsic factors. The combination of both factors should be addressed as a whole during alopecia treatment. Approximately 80 million men and women in the United States alone suffer from hair loss and hair thinning. The most common hair loss type, known as androgenetic alopecia, is hereditary. If left untreated, hair loss usually progresses over time. TrichoTest™ delivers invaluable information to support practitioners in developing the optimal treatment plan for each patient.
TeloTest™ is an innovative, re-testable, genetic test that measures the length of telomeres in order to quantify the degree of cellular aging of the patient at the time of sampling. TeloTest™ can be paired with a provider’s planned genetic treatment protocol to further quantify a patient’s level of success with that protocol.
What is Microsampling?
The value of reduced blood sample sizes is becoming apparent in human testing. Dried Blood Spot (DBS) sampling has already proven to be a viable alternative for many applications in blood analysis, but Microsampling using VAMS technology offers even more advantages. GX Sciences is proud to be one of the few labs that’s validated the technology within CLIA and COLA standards in the U.S. We offer this type of testing to provide an easy and quick turnaround process of biomarker analysis to our providers.
In order to bring diagnostic blood testing to providers’ offices or a patient’s home, GX Sciences Mitra Microsampling device offers new collection technology which is designed to:
• Collect capillary blood from the fingertip instead of blood from a vein in the arm
• Captures & analyzes minute samples of blood for analysis and is performed by a simple finger prick, allowing a blood droplet to be absorbed into the Mitra collection device.
• Samples are held in a plastic protective case and can be mailed to our lab without the need for refrigeration or special handling.
• Allow the patient or provider to collect the blood sample quickly at their office or from the comfort of a patient’s home.
• Blood microsampling allows participants to provide their own blood sample via finger prick and mail to our lab for analysis and offer much of the world’s population that lives in remote areas the ability to provide their blood sample results to a medical provider anywhere in the world.
• Enhance the telemedicine providers’ care by offering patients who prefer online or phone consults the ability to have bloodwork ordered and a microsampling kit delivered to the patient’s home to submit a sample to our lab and the results to their provider.
Microsampling Benefits
Blood tests at home are becoming more and more popular over time, catering to patients who do not want to be in hospitals or take the time to travel to doctor’s offices or labs for necessary blood tests.
A medical provider can order a lab kit and have it shipped directly to a patient’s home with a pre-paid protected envelope. Samples are sent directly to our lab for analysis, and the provider will receive the patient’s results within 5-7 business days once a valid sample and correct forms are received.
The old way of blood tests via arm draws has become costly, inconvenient, painful, and an unnecessary way for patients to receive the results they are looking for.
Blood belongs in the body, not in a medical waste bin. In conventional diagnostic blood testing, more than 95% of the blood is discarded and never analyzed. We are using sample handling technology designed to reduce the amount of blood that is wasted by over 90%.
Diagnostic blood testing usually requires venipuncture because capillary blood collection presents a range of obstacles to sample quality. In order to collect capillary samples with high enough quality to produce diagnostic results, GX Sciences’ new collection technology is designed with:
Controls to reduce sample contamination
Controls to reduce clotting during extraction
Controls to reduce damage to red blood cells
Your test can be sent directly to you with detailed instructions and you can mail it back with the pre-paid label.
It takes about 1-2 weeks to receive the test results back. They will arrive in a private portal and I will be able to go over them with you in person, zoom or a simple phone call.
The lab is private, Your information is secure.
I can help you relieve the stress of your health.
Email me for more information. info@wildandbeautifulaustin.com
or call 512-579-0899 to set up a complimentary consultation.